Saturday, March 24, 2012

WOUNDS of Life.


Question: Do you look like the hell you have been through?  I present this question as I reflect on the scenes in my life.  The times when I was broken into pieces but I didn't crumble and I ask myself....what was it that held me together.  Aren't you glad that when people see you, they don't see the process you had to go through to get to where you are even though they may see the scars.  How do wounds heal? Wounds heal from the inside out (RIGHT)? Now let's take a moment and apply that to the wounds you may have endured or enduring in life to date.  When our hearts are wounded what should we do:
  1. Slow down and look at the big picture...Take some time to take care of yourself.
  2. Get clarity-understanding what has happened is the key to avoid further mishaps.
  3. Create a treatment plan. This is something to ease your pain. GO within and clean up the wound (write it down/cry it out/etc.) GO outward and surround yourself with those that are supportive and positive BY all means remove the negativity from your life.
  4. Apply a clean bandage over your wound - this is represented through your attitude (So smile and be optimistic).
  5. Give it time to heal-Don't keep tampering with the wound/revisiting it instead focus your attention on moving forward not to get tangled up and surround yourself with the same mess.
  6. Be HONEST about your wound-some people avoid getting help because of what they may look like, but I would rather look like someone who needs help then look like someone who is unhappy and unhealthy mentally, emotional which affects our physical state of being.
I am writing this BLOG not just for you but for me as well.  I never want to present myself as being perfect because who is perfect - not you and not me.  I use these moments to blog so that others are aware of what they can do to remain in one piece and not in pieces.  However, if you are in pieces, there are resources that are available to put you back together again.

Thinking of you!

Ms. Transparent

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