Friday, April 6, 2012


What attracts you to a person?  Is it the color of their skin; the smile on their face; the length of their hair; the shape of the thighs or the sparkle in their eyes?  What if you saw a SCAR would you still be attracted? I sit here and I think about relationships and the reasons why we connect to one another.  I think about those relationships that I wanted to last but didn't.  Was it something I did? OR Was it something that I exposed that broke the connection? 

If those you were attracted to shared their story, showed you their SCARS, those deep dark places, what do you think your reaction would be? Could you love them anyway?  There are a lot of people in this world battling all types of issues and are afraid to expose them because of the fear of being isolated through judgement.  How unfair!!!!

I share my stories because unlike some of the others, I am delivered and set free.  I share my stories because there is someone out there waiting on me...waiting for me to display the success from being a single mother, from being in abusive relationships, from having a child as a survivor of sickle cell...SOMEONE is waiting.

AS YOU PROCESS think on this?
What about your stories? Do you think someone is waiting on it?  WILL you share them to help another person out?

What about me? Someone reading may be asking.  How can I get the support I need?  I am here to help you if no one else will.  Go to my website and contact me and I will help to guide you in the right direction (  If you want to write me and we start a pen pal relationship, I am here!  You are not ALONE-and GUESS what you are not the 1st that this has happened to.

Sharing my thoughts,

Ms. Transparent